
If you are into crypto full time or if you want to be, you already know you must live and breathe Discord. Almost everything time sensitive and communications based happens on it, so we must master this domain to the best of our abilities, these tactics will help you get the most out of Discord.


It can be very time-consuming to manage/track everything. Here are some tactics and tools that have drastically improved my ability to keep up with everything going on and hopefully it helps you to be on top of your game if you are going to make it.

Discord Setup

First things first, you should already have discord installed and be a master navigating and getting around all the servers you have joined so far. As your list of servers grows and as you spend more time in the space you need to setup a system and improve your discord environment, this is what this setup is intended to do step by step.

Multi Window Discord Setup

Doing this will allow you to log in to each Discord client with different accounts or the same account. This process will allow you to do the following things:

  1. Have multiple windows of discord open so that you can have eyes on multiple servers or DMs at once without having to constantly switch back and forth in one client.
  2. Listen to multiple voice channels at once!


  1. Close Discord (copy this tutorial to a word doc or something first, lol). Make sure you fully close out of it in your system tray.
  2. Hit Windows Key + R to open the Run window.
  3. Type %localappdata% and hit enter.
  4. In the window that appears, open the Discord folder and then the app-xx-xx folder that lists the latest version number.
  5. Locate Discord.exe and right click it. Hover over ‘Send to’ and select Desktop (create shortcut). This will be the new shortcut that you use to open Discord.
  6. Go to your desktop and find that new shortcut. Right click it and select Properties.
  7. In the Target field, add –multi-instance to the very end (two hyphens before the word ‘multi’). It should look similar to this:

C:\Users(Username)\AppData\Local\Discord\app-0.0.309\Discord.exe --multi-instance

  1. Click Apply or OK. Now open Discord using this new shortcut. Once it opens, click the shortcut again to open a second instance. You can do this however many times you would like. The second+ time you open the shortcut, it will ask you to sign in. Remember you can use a second account or the same account each time.